
Vulkan compute for people

Project maintained by Glavnokoman Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Project setup

A project using vuh consists of a standard C++ code and SPIR-V precompiled compute shader. Connection between the two is made in the C++ code. At the moment the easiest way to get a SPIR-V file is to compile a compute shader using Glslang. At that the shader should be written in a vulkan dialect of GLSL language. Vuh provides CMake helpers to handle the GLSL to SPIR-V compilation.

Using CMake

Minimal CMake project using vuh library and including shader compilation looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)

find_package(Vuh REQUIRED)

add_executable(vuh_example main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(vuh_example PUBLIC vuh::vuh)
add_dependencies(vuh_example example_shader)

This assumes the includes are scoped like #include <vuh/vuh.h> in the code and Glslang compiler findable by CMake. For a complete buildable example look in doc/examples/.

Not using CMake

You will need to link ${VUH_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/ (or its equivalent for your OS) and add ${VUH_INSTALL_PATH}/include to includes search path. Satisfying vuh public dependencies is your responsibility as well.